You are not expected to apply any other framework expect those given in study guide. If you get stuck which framework to use match the information given in the exam question to the framework comes to your mind one by one. There is no one framework applicable to one question so you have to choose framework which covers most of the points indentified in exam question. You are not expected to have a detailed knowledge of the framework, there are little marks available for the knowledge and most of the marks are for application to the scenario. Frameworks are the guide toward answering the question, not the answer itself. You should aim just to make sensible conclusions, it does matter what framework you choose. Any point you make check it for rationality and consistency with previous points made. There can be more than one possible conclusion to the answer.
Practicing exam past papers much important than reading detailed text. Practice as many past papers as you can.
Frameworks are not isolated from each other rather they are connected and even overlapping. Your answer should use frameworks across the syllabus, in background for your analysis.
Information given in the scenario will not be straight-forward, you must use your cleverness to reveal the information hidden in the form of past strategies, employers and employees bio-data, stories, proposals, criticisms, media news, quizzes, problems faced.
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