
Project Initiation Document (PID) Contents for Project Management.



Project initiation document is important point in project management. It gathers information from other documents like risk register, business case, communication plan, terms of reference and project plan etc. it is detailed action plan to successfully complete the project. It gives guidance to team workers and customers (internal or external) on what is expected of the project and how the expectation can be satisfied. It is not one time activity performed before starting the project it should be continuously adjusted to reflect the changes in key variables and new information obtained. Normally, project initiation document contains information on the following, but there is no precise format and contents of the project initiation document and it depends on project to project.



  • Objectives.

Specific and measurable business objectives are defined. Objectives can be defined in terms of benefits expected on completion of the project to business executing the project. Performance measures designed to measure the achievement of objectives.


  • Scope.

Areas and stakeholders affected by the project. Number and type of activities needed to successfully achieve the business objective. Defining the scope make clear to the team workers what activities are part of their project and what are activities are beyond it. Thus helps reduce misunderstandings which can be costly and delay the project delivery.


  • Business Case.

Business justification of undertaking a project. Cost benefit analysis are performed and projects monitored for its benefits, costs and feasibility to decide continue or abandon the project. Control procedures are established to monitor costs and the benefits like to receive from the project. Other factor that can change the project benefits are change in strategic planning and business objectives so the project no longer reflect what the business needs to achieve.


  • Project Deliverables.

Deliverables are tangible product arises at the completion project in the form of report and good or services. Quality standards are established to make ensure project activities comply with these standards and activities are evaluated for quality.


  • Resources.

Resources are the economic factors necessary to perform the project. Resources needed could be measured in terms of material, person, equipments and finance. Identification of resources enables the project manager to ascertain the feasibility of the project in delivering business benefits.


  • Roles & Responsibilities.

Each team worker is assigned a role suitable to his capabilities and held responsible for his performance. It ensures that no area of project is neglected and team workers are aware of the contribution expected of them. In the event of problem person expected to solve his problem can be identified and information can be communicated to the targeted person.


Project sponsor, project manager, team workers across functional departments are identified. Projects organization structure is created with communication lines developed to communicate issues and whom to report on their work done. Contact information of each participant is recorded.


  • Risks & Assumptions.

All the anticipated risks are analyze for its impact and likelihood and assumptions are made in the absent of information necessary for planning or uncertainty exists. It ensures the fluent operation of the project. Risk strategies are decided like drawing a contingency plan, establishing control procedures. Risk & assumptions are actively reviewed and amended in the light of new information available as project progresses.


  • Constraints.

Variable affecting the projects are analyzed for it scarcity so that variables such as time, cost and quality, limiting the project scope are closely monitored and effectively utilized to achieve project objectives. Changes in constraints are actively reviewed and amended in the light of changes in objectives, scope and deliverables.


  • Project Schedule.

Dates of meetings and stages of project deliverables and important activities are decided. In addition timing of each activity and their dependencies on other activities are decided. Whether activities should be performed side by side or one after one and order in which these activities are performed. Control procedures are established to monitoring the project performance and amendments are made throughout its life where necessary.



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