
What’s Project Management Methodology, Activities and Documents?




Initiating a project

  1. Project is assigned to project manager by project sponsor or steering committee.
  2. Project manager is appointed and team workers are selected from various departments.
  3. Project manager gathers details of the projects.
  4. Project sponsor approves the project based on details provided by project managers.

Planning Brief.  It provides information on suitability, acceptability and feasibility of the project to the business.

Planning a project

  1. define the objectives of the project. What the project needs to achieve to provide benefits to the business
  2. defines the scope of the project. Scope means giving description of project in terms areas affect, speed and extent of work required to complete of project.
  3. Project deliverables (desired benefits) are set.
  4. Project interdependencies (projects depending on each other) are indentified.
  5. Resources are secured necessary for successful completion of the project.
  6. Key variables such as cost, time, quality and can be others are identified.
  7. Activities necessary to complete project are determined and scheduled.
  8. Roles & responsibilities are established. Each activities related to project are assigned to individual or team having suitable skill to undertaken them.
  1. Business Case(extension of planning brief). It defines benefits of the project to the business, risk and uncertainty, assumptions and constraints.
  2. Gantt Chart. It help in project scheduling. It considers two variable time and activities.
  3. Project Initiation Document(PID). It is the formal detail document contains planning information extracted from other sources such as business case, communication planning, risk register, Gantt chart etc. It contains all information necessary for execution of the project.

Executing a project

  1. Project plan now implemented.
  2. Project may be revised to due change in circumstances or requirement of the project in the light of new information available.
  3. Monitoring also take place concurrently throughout the execution stage, deviations from schedule in determined and corrective action are taken to finish the project within time, cost and quality.
  4. Reporting is essential so that progress of the project can be determined and activities can be performed in harmony toward the project objectives within time and cost. Stakeholders (sponsors, team workers, customers) needs to be informed to gain their support.

Reports. It can take many form (electronic or manual) and formats (formal or informal)according to the stakeholders and time limits.

Building on project. (combining the project deliverables with business processes).

  1. Testing of project against acceptability from the eyes of client (internal or external) for quality
  2. Training are provided where necessary to equip those who are expected to use the project deliverables.
  3. Apply the project outcome in business context. So that benefits can flow to the business.


Monitoring and controlling project

Monitoring is explained with executing a project. Some text books describe monitoring separately while others are not.


Closing a project

  1. Evaluating the success of the project by comparing the project benefits expected with actual benefits achieved.
  2. Documenting any skill learned from the project.
  3. Decommissioning resources engaged in the project to their respective places or where they are needed.
  4. Archiving project planning documents for future use.
  5. Reviewing performances of team workers for their contribution in project success and for rewarding them.
  6. Celebration (optional)



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Project Initiation Document: Benefits,Purpose,Uses.


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